Interactive Narratives

Dandelion Chance
Dandelion Chance is a piece of animated poetry that includes audio, video and a short narrative. It was published in the New River Journal in 2008.

Telequitter, originally conceived for the Eyebeam NYC Contagious Media Project, is a tongue-in-cheek creative project that lets you quit things on-line, via ecard.

The ecards were generated mad-lib style, then a link was emailed out for people to view.

Who is Flora
Inspired by an abandoned pile of postcards, Who Is Flora is an interactive narrative that follows a woman traveling across America in the 1940s. Each screen is designed around a specific card, and I paid close attention to period magazine design in order to reflect that style in the screens. In the story, Flora is traveling alone, reflecting on her life. Parallel screens (hidden on the right until selected) tell my story, and the two often intersect across ideas and moods.
This was my graduate thesis.

The structure of the navigation is progressive; as each screen is visited the link for the next appears (and stays for the duration). The navigation is represented by a US Map in the upper left of the screen, with numbers representing links other destinations.